Stop SUDEP Silence campaign logo

Campaigning to stop the silence around
Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy


Stop SUDEP Silence Film

This is a film about Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) including stories of bereaved parents, a person living with epilepsy and parents with children living with epilepsy.

The film also includes interviews with clinicians and information relating to seizure detection devices. The purpose of the film is to raise awareness of SUDEP and stop the silence that surrounds it with the hope of preventing potentially avoidable deaths.


You can learn more about about SUDEP and how to mitigate risks in this article by Epilepsy Action: Epilepsy Related Deaths and SUDEP.

On the 3rd of May 2019 our son Peter tragically died at home, suddenly and unexpectedly. The death was recorded as SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy). My husband and I were to suffer the acute trauma of discovering our child’s lifeless body in his room at home and the continuing trauma of a life without him.

No one in Peter’s epilepsy care team ever had a conversation with us about SUDEP or that he was becoming increasingly at risk. We are also discovering the distressing and painful fact, that this is the case for many other young men and women with epilepsy who have sadly died.

The ‘Stop SUDEP Silence‘ campaign aims are to create a movement to embed the message that although considered rare, Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy is a very real risk. That clinicians must inform patients and care givers of SUDEP at time of diagnosis or soon after as the NICE guideline dictates. This will inevitably avoid future unnecessary deaths.

According to Epilepsy Research UK, there are 21 epilepsy related deaths every week (3 per day) in the UK, with mortality attributed to epilepsy increasing even though overall U.K. mortality is decreasing [1]. Annual epilepsy deaths match those for asthma though the prevalence of asthma is ten times that of epilepsy [2].

Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) is the leading cause of epilepsy-related deaths with an annual incidence of 1 per 1000 adult and 1 per 4500 paediatric patients [4], however research now suggests that SUDEP may be more common in children than widely reported, with the incidence rate in children being similar to rates reported in adults (1.2 deaths for every 1,000 children with epilepsy each year) [9].  Although SUDEP is more common in people with frequent seizures it has also occurred in people who have had very few seizures. The risk increases if you have generalised tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS), especially if they happen at night or when asleep [5].

It is estimated that approximately half of epilepsy related deaths were identified to be potentially avoidable had Persons With Epilepsy (PWE) and/or their families been more aware of the risks of morbidity and mortality [2], yet still only a minority of clinicians openly discuss SUDEP with patients. Reported rates may be an underestimate because of poor case identification due to lack of awareness and inconsistencies in the investigation and recording of the deaths [3].

Chronic underinvestment in research into epilepsy has meant effective treatments for everyone living with the condition are still decades away. However despite being one of the most common, serious neurological conditions, just 0.3% of the £4.8bn spent on health-related research in 2018 was invested in epilepsy [6].

SUDEP was defined for the first time by Dr Lina Nashef in 1997, ironically the year Peter was born, yet despite the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines clear recommendation that epilepsy risks and SUDEP are discussed, persons with epilepsy and their families are continuing to report poverty of and inconsistent information about risk [2] well into its third decade.

Research repeatedly shows that patients and families want to be told about SUDEP and of the risk factors and risk-reduction measures that can be taken. However, there does not appear to be consensus from healthcare professionals on whether all patients, or only selected patients (e.g. those with uncontrolled seizures), should be informed about the risk of SUDEP [7]. Being informed allows for the positive steps that can be taken.

The recurrent theme among research shows that the main reason for not informing of SUDEP is due to the clinician’s anxiety even though most patients agreed that SUDEP awareness motivated them to better manage factors that trigger seizures, better management of the disease and better therapy adherence [8]. Additionally this allows for caregivers to take precautionary measures. Clinicians appear to anticipate that patients will be anxious or distressed discussing SUDEP but contrary to the expectations, being informed on SUDEP risk does not have adverse effects on quality of life or mood itself, according to studies. Negative reactions to SUDEP discussions are common, however, they do not have long term effects, and proper communication skills combined with experience can minimize them [4].

While clinicians continue to prioritise their own anxiety and discomfort around SUDEP conversations or to cite a patients ‘right not to know’ or ‘do no harm’, preventable deaths will continue to happen.

There have been other campaigns to highlight the plight of SUDEP to educate, inform and encourage clinicians to have clear and specific discussions with patients but it is still not happening. Many more thousands of lives, mostly in the young, continue to be lost leaving families in the worst imaginable pain.

The fact that a clinician makes the decision alone not to have these preventative, safeguarding discussions only serves to add to a parents anguish and while ever there continues to be no direct upholding of accountability for clinicians decision not to inform, this is going to continue to happen. We will be no further forward another three decades from now.

Peter Doody
Our son Peter tragically died at home in 2019, suddenly and unexpectedly. The death was recorded as SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy).

The Peter Doody Foundation’s ‘Stop Sudep Silence’ campaign #DoNoHarm is calling for the following to significantly reduce further preventable deaths:

1. Inform people living with epilepsy about SUDEP in its entirety to ensure they fully understand. To not avoid using the word SUDEP and what that means by only talking about generic ‘risk’. Patients should be informed of all mechanisms of SUDEP including heart and respiratory failure.

2. An annual SUDEP Risk Plan (SRP) as part of a Comprehensive Person Centred Care Plan (CCP) with clear set pathways. Both plans to be nationally set to provide consistency and increased chance for optimal care. A copy of the SRP and CCP countersigned by and given to the patient.

3. Share the CCP with members of the patients care team and encourage parents/carers to attend appointments to avoid assumptions that because the person living with epilepsy is of adult age they want to have lone responsibility of their care.

4. Seizure Detection Device (SSD) information and guidance, inclusive of other aids such as sleep safe anti suffocation pillows, to be given at appointments with accompanying literature.

If we continue to not have these conversations, if the Epilepsy Specialist Nurse, Doctor or Consultant don’t want to or feel unable to discuss in definitive terms about SUDEP, then lives will continue to be needlessly lost.

That sadly, two decades on from the NICE guidelines being in place and epilepsy deaths rates increasing we will learn of more and more parents and families going through anguish of trying to come to terms with the death of their child or loved one.

Please allow people with epilepsy their right to live longer and for parents to love their sons and daughters longer. No parent should have to bury or cremate their child in such circumstances where their right as parents were taken away from them to safeguard THEIR child and the potential to keep their child alive.



[1] RightCare: Epilepsy Toolkit – Optimising a system for people living with epilepsy (2020) https://www.england.nhs.u k/rightcare/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2020/03/rightcare-epilepsy-toolkit-v2.pdf
[2] Smart c, Page G, Shanker R, Newman C. Keep Safe: The when, why and how of epilepsy risk communication. Seizure European Journal of Epilepsy 78 (2020) 136 -149.
[3] Devinsky O, Friedman D, Cheng JY, Moffatt E, Kim A, Tseng ZH. Underestimation of sudden deaths among patients with seizures and epilepsy. Neurology. 2017 Aug 29;89(9):886-892. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000004292. Epub 2017 Aug 2. PMID: 28768851; PMCID: PMC5577966.
[4] Elmali AD, Bebek N, Baykan B. Let's talk SUDEP. Noro Psikiyatr Ars. 2019 Sep 5;56(4):292-301. doi: 10.29399/npa.23663. PMID: 31903040; PMCID: PMC6927080.
[5] Sudep Action.
[7] Cooper K, Kirkpatrick P, Brand C, Rolfe A, Florida-James S. Discussing sudden unexpected death in epilepsy with children and young people with epilepsy and their parents/carers: A mixed methods systematic review. Seizure. 2020 May;78:159-167. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2019.10.002. Epub 2019 Oct 13. PMID: 31813747.
[8] Long L, Cotterman-Hart S, Shelby J. To reveal or conceal? Adult patient perspectives on SUDEP disclosure. Epilepsy Behav. 2018 Sep;86:79-84. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2018.06.026. Epub 2018 Jul 9. PMID: 30001909.
[9] Keller AE, Whitney R, Li SA, Pollanen MS, Donner EJ. Incidence of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy in children is similar to adults. Neurology. 2018 Jul 10;91(2):e107-e111. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000005762. Epub 2018 Jun 8. PMID: 29884734.